Militzer & Münch Algérie : proche du client avec des experts locaux

Forte de ses nombreuses années d’expérience dans les marchés exigeants de la région, Militzer & Münch est considérée comme le premier spécialiste des transports à destination et en provenance d’Algérie. Avec un argument clé de vente : des services de groupage de fret maritime réguliers de la France vers Alger ou Oran – et Béjaïa également depuis la fin de l’année 2023.

Situé en bordure de la mer Méditerranéenne, le plus grand pays d’Afrique est l’une des plateformes logistiques les plus importantes de la région, avec des infrastructures de transport concentrées presque exclusivement dans la partie nord fertile du pays, tandis que près de 85 pour cent des terres sont recouvertes par les déserts rocailleux et sableux du Sahara. L’Algérie est riche en ressources naturelles : le pétrole brut et le GNL représentent environ 95 pour cent du total de ses exportations. Parallèlement, elle importe de nombreux produits différents, tels que des machines, des produits textiles et alimentaires, ainsi que diverses autres marchandises.

Militzer & Münch est présente en Algérie par le biais de sa propre organisation nationale depuis 2016 et elle possède à présent ses propres agences dans les villes portuaires d’Alger, d’Oran et de Béjaïa. Depuis ces sites, l’entreprise propose l’ensemble de l’éventail des solutions logistiques, du fret maritime et aérien au transport routier en passant par des services à valeur ajoutée comme le dédouanement et le conseil. Le trafic d’importation provient principalement d’Europe de l’Ouest ou d’Asie du Sud-Est, les exportations sont en majorité destinées à l’Afrique de l’Ouest et l’Europe du Sud-Ouest.

« Le secteur de la logistique est régi par des lois et réglementations strictes en Algérie. En outre, les coûts du transport sont élevés et les procédures douanières sont longues, ce qui peut s’avérer assez compliqué pour les personnes qui ne sont pas habituées aux conditions locales », explique Lamia Hani, directrice générale de Militzer & Münch Algérie. « Grâce à nos propres experts locaux et un réseau de partenaires solide, nous pouvons apporter notre soutien ici à nos clients de manière très efficace », ajoute-t-elle.


Mise en avant du groupage en provenance de France

Parmi les services les plus importants fournis par Militzer & Münch en Algérie se trouvent les transports groupés à partir de Marseille. Depuis plusieurs années maintenant, deux liaisons régulières relient la France à Alger et Oran, respectivement. Un service de groupage maritime à destination de Béjaïa a également été lancé en novembre 2023.

Cette ville portuaire se situe à environ 180 kilomètres à l’est d’Alger, la capitale, et fait partie des villes les plus importantes du pays. En raison de son emplacement, c’est une plaque tournante importante pour le trafic maritime avec l’Europe, l’Afrique et d’autres régions. Les infrastructures modernes du port rendent ses processus particulièrement efficaces et lui permettent de gérer différents types de cargaison, dont les marchandises en vrac et le fret conteneurisé. De plus, le port bénéficie d’un haut niveau de sécurité et de liaisons performantes avec l’arrière-pays. Militzer & Münch propose un service à partir de Marseille et à destination de Béjaïa tous les 15 jours avec des navires CMA CGM. Elle s’occupe de l’ensemble des processus, de la consolidation au chargement des conteneurs. Le temps de transport n’est que de cinq jours. Étant donné qu’il n’existe quasiment aucune offre comparable pour cet itinéraire, ce service a été bien reçu par les clients. Pour l’instant, une grande partie des marchandises transportées sont destinées à l’industrie alimentaire : équipements de transformation des aliments, arômes, additifs alimentaires, emballage, etc.

À moyen terme, Militzer & Münch Algérie prévoit de renforcer sa position de leader sur le marché de l’itinéraire Algérie-France et de mettre en place d’autres services LCL à destination et en provenance de Turquie et d’Italie. « L’Algérie est un pays où l’on ne s’ennuie jamais », souligne Lamia Hani. « Nous sommes toujours ravis de relever de nouveaux défis pour nos clients. »


Échanges commerciaux avec l’Afrique : « Il y a toujours une solution »

Compte tenu de l’impressionnante croissance économique de certains pays émergents au sud du Maghreb, Militzer & Münch étend ses activités sur le continent africain. Nous avons demandé à Irene Pinkrah, responsable du développement des échanges commerciaux avec l’Afrique, les spécificités du travail avec l’Afrique, les défis que son équipe et elle rencontrent ainsi que ce qu’elle préfère dans son travail.

Mme Pinkrah, quelles sont vos missions en tant que responsable du développement des échanges commerciaux avec l’Afrique ?

Ma principale mission est d’étendre et d’entretenir les relations professionnelles avec nos partenaires existants en Afrique ainsi que d’identifier de nouveaux partenaires avec lesquels il serait possible de collaborer. J’établis et j’entretiens également des relations professionnelles en Allemagne, en collaboration avec notre équipe des ventes, et je m’occupe de l’acquisition client. En outre, je définis des stratégies de marketing, tandis que je développe et j’optimise la voie commerciale entre l’Allemagne et l’Afrique en analysant, planifiant et mettant en œuvre des solutions de transport et de logistique efficaces.

Comment se développent les activités de Militzer & Münch en Afrique ?

Nous sommes actuellement en train de développer le segment subsaharien, avec beaucoup d’optimisme. L’Afrique a bénéficié d’une croissance économique importante ces dernières années et le potentiel de développement est encore considérable dans certains secteurs. Militzer & Münch a activement travaillé au Maroc, en Tunisie et en Algérie depuis de nombreuses années et elle y a connu un grand succès. Nous sommes donc confiants quant à notre réussite également en Afrique subsaharienne. Le Ghana, le Kenya et le Nigéria, par exemple, sont pour nous très intéressants.

Nous sommes actuellement en train de travailler à l’élaboration d’un réseau de partenaires. Dans ce contexte, de nombreuses organisations nationales de Militzer & Münch, y compris Militzer & Münch Allemagne, ont rejoint il y a quelques temps l’ALNA (Airfreight, Logistics Network for Africa), un réseau solide pour le fret aérien à destination et en provenance du continent africain. Grâce à l’ALNA, nous avons accès à un réseau sûr et fiable d’entreprises dans de nombreux pays africains.

Afin de tirer profit du potentiel du marché ghanéen, je vais participer au Supply Chain Business Forum and Exhibition à Accra, la capitale du Ghana, au mois de juillet. Ce salon professionnel sera axé sur les tendances, défis et opportunités actuels dans le secteur de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Étant donné que Militzer & Münch parraine l’évènement, nous aurons également la possibilité de présenter nos produits et services sur place.

Quelles sont les principales marchandises transportées par Militzer & Münch à destination et en provenance d’Afrique ?

Les pays africains importent une grande variété de produits de consommation, tels que des appareils électroniques, des véhicules, des vêtements et des appareils ménagers. Les principales marchandises exportées sont des matières premières, ainsi que des produits agricoles et pharmaceutiques.

Quels défis avez-vous dû relever lors des transports à destination et en provenance d’Afrique ?

De nombreuses zones d’Afrique sont dépourvues d’infrastructures de transport suffisantes, aussi bien en ce qui concerne les routes et les voies ferrées que les ports. Cette situation entraîne parfois des goulets d’étranglement, des retards et une augmentation des coûts de transport. En outre, des réglementations douanières différentes, des exigences compliquées en matière de documents et des procédures de dédouanement inefficaces compliquent et retardent les transports. De l’instabilité dans certaines régions et les différences culturelles peuvent également gêner le transport. Mais tant que nous sommes préparés à aborder ces obstacles, il y a toujours une solution pour les surmonter. Après tout, les marchés difficiles sont notre spécialité.

Quels postes avez-vous occupés chez Militzer & Münch jusqu’à présent et que préférez-vous dans votre travail ?

J’ai occupé des postes dans le domaine opérationnel du fret aérien et maritime pendant plus de 20 ans. Plus récemment, j’ai travaillé dans le département exportation de M&M air sea cargo Gmbh à Francfort pendant 15 ans. En 2022, j’ai participé à notre Programme de gestion des talents interne, au sein duquel l’une de nos missions consistait à identifier de nouveaux marchés prometteurs. Nous avons mis en avant l’Afrique comme l’une des zones les plus intéressantes.

J’aime beaucoup travailler pour Militzer & Münch parce que l’entreprise se caractérise par un environnement familial, des collègues motivés, une ouverture d’esprit et une diversité. Ce que j’apprécie tout particulièrement dans mon poste actuel de responsable de voie commerciale est que je peux travailler de manière indépendante. Je peux vraiment faire la différence ici. Les divers défis liés à mon travail m’enthousiasment également.

EMEX Kazakhstan on track for success

The courier, express, and parcel service EMEX Kazakhstan, a subsidiary of the Militzer & Münch Group, looks back on the past years with great satisfaction and plans further growth.

EMEX is the official partner of FedEx in Kazakhstan and handles all FedEx CEP transports within the country. The company operates its own substantial fleet of circa 100 vehicles as well as a dense network of branch offices in the country. The main sorting center is located in Almaty. All international shipments, including customs clearance, are handled via this hub, with transit times for express delivery between one and four days. EMEX’s major customers operate in the retail, fashion, pharmaceutical and medical technology, as well as oil and gas sectors. What they value most about their CEP provider are the comprehensive turnkey solutions and personalized support.

This year, EMEX is about to celebrate an anniversary. The Militzer & Münch Group’s CEP service in Kazakhstan turns 20 years old and has had a successful time recently: “We were able to increase our market share and consolidate our strong position among the top three service providers in the industry, we obtained important ISO certifications in the areas of quality, environment and safety, and were even awarded industry prizes,” says Tatjana Vorobyeva, who has been heading the company with a staff of more than 360 as Managing Director since 2016. “The positive results are largely owed to growth in e-commerce and consolidated domestic transportation.” In 2023, EMEX also opened its first location in Kyrgyzstan, expanding its extensive branch network in Central Asia.

Into the future – with big plans

EMEX plans to continue growing in the future by investing in personnel management to attract new talent and in its own warehousing space, for example. Strategic marketing measures are to further strengthen the EMEX brand, while an expanded range of services will appeal to new customer groups. These include the Fourth Party Logistics (4PL) and Fulfilment Services divisions, among others.

“We have big plans – and of course we are already preparing for our 20th anniversary”, says Tatjana Vorobyeva. “Our customers rely on EMEX because their consignments are in good hands with us and reach their destination reliably and on time. This trust has brought us to where we are today and spurs us on to continue to improve and grow.”

Militzer & Münch Dubai: Strong in ship supply

About five years ago, the Militzer & Münch Dubai team moved from the city’s airport to the Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA) at the western end of Dubai, one of the largest free trade zones in the world. The move was the result of the country unit’s strong growth, which is still ongoing: Militzer & Münch Dubai is continually expanding its range of services and its customer base is growing. The supply of ships on the water is developing into a particularly successful line of business.

At the location in the Jebel Ali Free Zone, the Militzer & Münch Dubai team focuses on the transport of ship spare parts. For some time now, there has also been an increasing demand from customers for the complete supply of ships. In addition to spare parts, this includes the delivery of further technical equipment, consumables, bonded goods, food for the crew and maintenance services. Militzer & Münch is responsible for the procurement of equipment and goods, their storage, and delivery on board the ships – even beyond the Jebel Ali Free Zone.

Growing market segment in the port of Fujairah

Thanks to the strong commitment of the Ship-Spares-team, led by Business Development Manager Kiran Kumar, the local company has seen a significant increase in orders for ship supplies at the Port of Fujairah. Located on the east coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the port is a major hub for shipping in the Gulf region and the Fujairah Offshore Anchorage Area (FOAA) offers 133 berths for incoming vessels as well as a wide range of maritime services.

“Our aim is to offer our national and international customers an all-inclusive package with real added value in ship handling, from spare parts in transit to catering for the ship’s crew” says Anil Manath, Managing Director of Militzer & Münch Dubai.

Militzer & Münch not only handles ships moored at offshore anchorages in Fujairah but also ships in transit. For this “midstream” supply, Militzer & Münch exclusively delivered more than 200 shipments in UAE waters by using hired supply boats and made over 50 round trips in 2023 – aside from deliveries to local agent’s boats. The ships served by the Militzer & Münch Dubai team currently come mainly from international waters while passing through the OPL (outer port limits) and inner anchorages of the United Arab Emirates during bunkering and maintenance.

“The port of Fujairah has become an important location for us and we expect a further increase in the volume of orders for ship supply”, says Anil Manath. “We will continue to expand our local presence in the future so that we can provide our customers with a central one-stop-shop for the optimal handling of ships round the clock.”

M&M Kazakhstan: Lots of good reasons to celebrate

The Militzer & Münch country unit in Kazakhstan was founded in 1993. Its development is impressive: Today, M&M Kazakhstan offers its customers national and international transports on all transport routes, as well as customs clearance – and all this with great success. The team is growing, as is the customer base; the range of services is continuously expanded, and new markets are opened.

In summer 2023, around 70 employees and customers of M&M Kazakhstan came together in a restaurant in Almaty to celebrate Militzer & Münch’s 30th anniversary with a colorful entertainment program featuring live music, a dinner buffet, and cocktails. Of course, a birthday cake had to be part of the event.

Zlata Kim, Managing Director of the Kazakh country unit since 2019, has closely accompanied and driven the development of the company in recent years. “We can be very proud of what we have achieved over the past three decades,” she says. ”We offer our customers transport logistics services at the highest level. We are constantly expanding our portfolio and adapting our services to current requirements. In the field of renewable energies, we have been able to handle some impressive projects, such as the transportation of large quantities of components and modules for solar plants from China to Kazakhstan.”

There is a close trade relationship between Kazakhstan and China; the European Union, however, has recently turned into the most important economic partner. Which also applies to M&M Kazakhstan. “Rail transports play an important role here, but at the moment, truck transports from Europe are also in high demand from our customers,” says Zlata Kim.

Militzer & Münch : une nouvelle filiale nationale au Vietnam

Saint-Gall, 18 décembre 2023. L’entreprise de logistique Militzer & Münch se développe en Asie : M&M Militzer & Münch Vietnam Co. Ltd. commence ses activités aujourd’hui. Cette nouvelle organisation nationale propose la gamme complète des services de Militzer & Münch, avec un accent particulier mis sur les transports aériens et maritimes.

Le groupe Militzer & Münch poursuit une stratégie de croissance dans la région Asie/Extrême-Orient/Océanie. Dernièrement, une nouvelle entreprise a été créée en Nouvelle-Zélande en 2022. Après M&M Chine, M&M Malaisie, M&M Sri Lanka et M&M Nouvelle-Zélande, M&M Vietnam est à présent la cinquième filiale nationale de la région. Elle est implantée à Hô Chi Minh-Ville. Cette métropole, forte de 9 millions d’habitants, au bord de la mer de Chine méridionale, est à la fois le centre économique du pays et une plaque tournante majeure du transport en Asie du Sud-Est.

Des perspectives de développement significatives

Militzer & Münch se concentre sur les marchés prometteurs de la région et considère que cette situation géographique présente un énorme potentiel pour la poursuite de sa croissance : « En quelques années, le Vietnam est passé de l’une des nations les plus pauvres du monde à un pays à revenu intermédiaire », explique Andreas Löwenstein, directeur régional Asie/Extrême-Orient chez Militzer & Münch. « Nous entrevoyons, par conséquent, des possibilités intéressantes de développement fructueux tout en renforçant par la même occasion notre réseau dans la région par l’ajout d’une nouvelle organisation nationale. »

Militzer & Münch Vietnam travaillera avec de nombreux secteurs différents, à l’import aussi bien qu’à l’export. Une grande partie du volume de transport sera assurée par le transport maritime et aérien. Peter Schüpbach, qui a occupé auparavant plusieurs postes de direction, est à la tête de la nouvelle filiale.

Militzer & Münch Turkey: a well-coordinated team

Earthquake, pandemic, inflation – in the year 2023, the people in Turkey have to cope with severe catastrophes and challenges that seem almost insurmountable. But economic uncertainties and global turbulences are by no means new to the employees of Militzer & Münch’s Turkish subsidiary – and they know how to deal with them.

In February of this year, parts of Turkey and Syria were struck by a devastating earthquake. More than 56,000 people died, many more were injured, lost family members, lost their belongings – the disaster traumatized the people of Turkey.

Help for the victims

In response to the destruction and distress, the Turkish International Freight Forwarders Association, UTIKAD, sent relief goods to the earthquake region – and the Militzer & Münch team assisted. “In this humanitarian effort, we coordinated the transport of urgently needed relief goods carried in twelve trucks plus a complete train of 32 wagons”, says Cem Ulusoy, Managing Director Militzer & Münch Turkey. “In addition, together with the Militzer & Münch branch office in Basel, we donated 5,000 euros to “AHBAP”, a Turkish relief organization.”

The Turkish economy has been severely affected by the natural disaster, too. About 35 percent of the country’s industry are located in the areas affected by the earthquake. Add to this the consequences of the pandemic and global inflation… Militzer & Münch Turkey is suffering from these conditions, too. But the team has learned to operate in an environment characterized by uncertainties, and to carry out business successfully.

Steady development

The Turkish Militzer & Münch subsidiary was founded in 1996. “At that time, we had only seven employees and a single branch in Izmir, run by one person,” says Cem Ulusoy. After the new management of Militzer & Münch Turkey started working in January 2012, the Turkish country unit began to grow. “Today, we employ almost 60 people and, in addition to the Istanbul headquarters, we operate three branches, in Izmir, Mersin, and Bursa, as well as a warehouse in Hadımköy and an office at Istanbul Airport.”

Militzer & Münch Turkey specializes in the transport of industrial goods and is among the market leaders in project transports. Despite the uncertainties and challenges, the team has successfully defended its position in the industry. Road transportation is most in demand among customers, followed by air and sea freight, segments that are also of great importance. The company’s main customers come from the textile, machinery, chemicals, and construction materials industries.

“We have given proof that we are capable of operating successfully not only in times of uncertainty, but also of fulfilling our social responsibility in times of crisis,” says Cem Ulusoy. “An important next step for us will be to invest in a warehouse to provide even better services to our customers and meet the ever-growing demands.”

Davantage d’espace d’entreposage au Maroc

Militzer & Münch Maroc s’agrandit à Tanger : 2 000 mètres carrés d’espace d’entrepôt supplémentaires pour un traitement plus rapide.

La ville portuaire de Tanger se situe à l’extrémité nord du Maroc, près du détroit de Gibraltar, à seulement 30 kilomètres de l’Espagne, et occupe donc une position stratégiquement très importante pour la circulation des marchandises. Pendant de nombreuses années, l’agence de Tanger a joué le rôle de passerelle vers le Maroc pour Militzer & Münch.

En ce moment, Militzer & Münch Maroc agrandit son propre entrepôt avec une annexe : 2 000 mètres carrés d’espace de logistique supplémentaires qui permettront de répondre à la demande croissante de la clientèle et d’assurer une gestion plus rapide des expéditions. « Sur notre site de Tanger, nous avons observé une croissance constante des volumes depuis plusieurs années », explique Olivier Antoniotti, directeur général de Militzer & Münch Maroc. « Grâce à ce nouvel entrepôt, nous pouvons gérer ce volume de transport supplémentaire avec davantage d’efficacité et de souplesse. »

En tout, l’espace d’entreposage à Tanger atteindra 5 000 mètres carrés. L’inauguration et le démarrage opérationnel de ces nouvelles installations sont prévus pour le début du mois de janvier 2024.

Militzer & Münch Eichenzell: the gateway to the Maghreb

Most of the overland transports from the Militzer & Münch branch office in Eichenzell in Eastern Hesse are bound for one or more of the Maghreb countries. This makes Eichenzell one of the most important hubs for transports to Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco.

The small township near Fulda and Frankfurt is home to the German Militzer & Münch hub for the Maghreb – and it is continuously developing. Over the last few years, the branch has experienced steady and healthy growth. “We have a clear picture of the direction we want to take in the future,” says branch manager Julian Backenstoß. “We are receiving very positive feedback from our customers for our consistently good service. As a result, we’ve been able to expand our business and also increase our staff.” Close to twenty colleagues are now attending to the needs of customers. The attached warehousing area covers around 4,500 square meters.

Consolidated freight destined for North Africa
On average, eight to ten containers leave Eichenzell every week in a southerly direction to begin their journey to North Africa: four to five semitrailers per week head to Morocco via Algeciras in Spain. Another four to five round trips per week go to Tunisia via Marseille and Genoa. The focus is on consolidated freight.
The trucks need about six to seven days to make the journey to Algeria. Multimodal shipments are completed within nine to ten days. “If time is of the essence, customers prefer the pre-carriage by truck to Marseille. If transit time is not an issue, the combination with rail is a popular choice, also because it is cheaper. The customer can save a few hundred euros and at the same time do something for the environment,” explains Lilli Macholdt, Deputy Branch Manager and Trade Lane Manager Maghreb.

More than just the Maghreb
“We have a lot of experience in organizing and carrying out transports to the Maghreb countries,” explains Julian Backenstoß. “That’s why we keep expanding our activities and recently opened a branch office in Augsburg. There, under the management of Fourat Chetoui, Trade Lane Manager Maghreb, we are currently focusing on the direct freight business to and from the Maghreb. However, we also offer overland transports to many other destinations, of course.” In addition to transports to North Africa, Militzer & Münch also handles groupage transports to Azerbaijan via Eichenzell, as well as transports to Eastern and Western Europe. Moreover, the Eichenzell branch office has been the official CargoLine Germany depot for more than ten years, acting as a hub for classic groupage pre- and on-carriage to and from Europe or within Germany.”

Vers Tachkent via le Chang’an Express

Beijing. Xi’an n’est pas seulement le point de départ de l’ancienne route de la soie à l’extrémité est, mais aussi une porte d’entrée importante pour le commerce international. Parallèlement, l’Asie centrale, en tant que pionnière de l’initiative “la Ceinture et la Route”, sert de référence pour le commerce international interconnecté. Le chemin de fer d’Asie centrale élargit la communication externe et le commerce de Xi’an en créant de nouvelles opportunités.

Le 30 mai, 50 TEU contenant des équipements de télécommunications ZTE ont quitté le port international de Xi’an à bord du Chang’an Express à destination de Tachkent, la plus grande ville d’Asie centrale.

M&M China est le prestataire de services logistiques pour ce train de marchandises spécialisé de ZTE Central Asia.


Les avantages du Chang’an Express

Le Chang’an Express, une nouvelle liaison Chine-Europe. Le train passe par le port sec de Khorgos dans le Xinjiang et couvre une distance totale de 4 667 kilomètres jusqu’à Tachkent en dix jours. C’est la première fois que le port international de Xi’an collabore avec ZTE Corporation pour lancer un train complet de marchandises à destination de l’Asie centrale.

“Si nous avons choisi le Chang’an Express Chine-Europe, c’est parce qu’il offre de multiples itinéraires, d’excellents services et des délais stables, ce qui constitue une garantie solide pour la livraison en temps voulu des marchandises de nos clients. À l’avenir, nous continuerons à renforcer notre coopération avec la zone franche du port international de Xi’an et à contribuer à la construction de l’initiative Belt and Road”, a déclaré Elyar Sherkati, le directeur général de M&M China, lors d’une interview.

At M&M Serbia: a regional perspective

Dobanovci, Serbia. “Our goal is the region, and with Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro as our first step, we have embarked on our strategic expansion course,” says M&M Serbia’s Executive Director Nikola Vasiljevic. “Plans are to extend our brand to other neighboring countries.”

M&M Bosnia-Herzegovina and M&M Montenegro were both founded in the summer of 2021. “Bosnia Herzegovina is a growing market with significant potential. Montenegro is the smaller market, but not less important to the M&M Serbia network,” says Nikola Vasiljevic, who heads the new country units. At this time, both M&M Bosnia Herzegovina and M&M Montenegro have a staff of three; road transportation is the main business, but warehousing and customs clearance are offered, too.  The first full business year is behind the two companies, and we wanted to know how they developed.

Challenges and lessons

“For both markets, the past two years were quite challenging for and highly unpredictable, but despite the challenges, we were able to adapt and contribute to the growth of the local logistics and transportation markets,” says Nikola Vasiljevic, who heads the two new units. “Our unique and personalized approach to each client has allowed us to assess the market and our capacities accurately, elevating service to a new level and finding the best solution for every inquiry. Most of the clients we work with in Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina are clients with whom we have had long-standing partnerships in Serbia. The focus is on import.”

“Were there any positive or negative surprises in the development of either company,” we ask.

“For a large corporation like ours, surprises, both positive and negative, are an integral part of business. The expertise of our staff is extremely important, as well as their approach to any particular situation. On a daily basis, we face challenges and strive to extract the maximum benefit from them. To us, negative situations are lessons that we can leverage as advantages in the future.”

Militzer & Münch Roumanie : croissance et optimisme malgré des temps incertains

Militzer & Münch est présente sur le marché de la logistique roumain depuis près de 20 ans avec sa propre organisation nationale. Elle se concentre sur les importations et exportations au sein de l’Europe, tandis que ses clients proviennent principalement des secteurs des produits industriels et de l’habillement. Malgré les facteurs d’incertitude actuels, non seulement la filiale s’avère stable, mais elle arrive même à croître.

Pour la filiale roumaine, tous les indicateurs pointent vers une expansion, même si les conditions du marché sont actuellement assez difficiles. La guerre en cours dans l’Ukraine voisine, la crise de l’énergie et la forte inflation créent de l’incertitude sur le marché et rendent difficile toute prévision.


Un travail d’équipe pour relever les défis

Selon le directeur général, Valentin Dragu, si Militzer & Münch Roumanie occupe cependant une bonne place sur le marché, c’est principalement grâce à la grande motivation et au travail acharné de son équipe. « Le secteur de la logistique est très dynamique ; vous devez être flexible et capable de réagir aux changements actuels du marché. Je suis très fier de vous avouer que nous y arrivons même dans les phases difficiles. En tant que prestataire de services de transport de taille moyenne, nous résistons très bien à la concurrence et sommes donc globalement optimistes en ce qui concerne l’avenir », déclare-t-il.

Nouveau site, nouveaux employés : les 30 employés environ de Militzer & Münch Roumanie ont déménagé en automne dernier, l’équipe de M&M Roumanie s’est installée dans de nouveaux locaux modernes dans le centre de Bucarest. « Les membres actuels de notre équipe sont ravis des nouveaux bureaux et de la très bonne desserte en transport du site, et nous espérons que les nouveaux membres de l’équipe à venir l’apprécieront également, car nous sommes actuellement en train de chercher des renforts », explique Valentin Dragu.


Hausse des transports routiers et maritimes

Pour l’instant cette année, la situation géopolitique et économique actuelle a eu peu d’influence sur les activités et résultats de Militzer & Münch Roumanie. L’organisation nationale a noté un léger déclin dans les activités liées à un projet, néanmoins, mais le volume des transports routiers a augmenté et une hausse est également observable dans le secteur du fret maritime.

Valentin Dragu prévoit de concentrer les efforts de Militzer & Münch Roumanie sur les transports qui ont réussi à l’entreprise : « Nous nous attendons à ce que le commerce s’intensifie au sein de l’Europe l’année prochaine, ce qui nous offrira de nombreuses opportunités. Nous sommes donc maintenant en train de travailler sur l’expansion de nos activités de transport et de nos relations commerciales dans ce sens – bientôt, nous l’espérons, avec le soutien énergique de nouveaux membres dans l’équipe ! »

« Notre persévérance a porté ses fruits »

M&M Militzer & Münch Malaisie a été fondée en décembre 2020. Au pire moment possible, vous pourriez dire. Mais les défis posés par la pandémie n’ont pas écarté l’organisation nationale de ses plans et objectifs ambitieux. Gopal Krishnan a contribué à la création de l’entreprise et a travaillé sans relâche à son succès dès le début. Nous avons parlé avec lui de la phase initiale difficile et du développement ultérieur de Militzer & Münch Malaisie, des projets et plans actuels, ainsi que de ses souhaits pour l’avenir.


Krishnan, pouvez-vous décrire votre organisation en quelques mots ?

Militzer & Münch Malaisie est une petite entreprise, mais elle est très axée sur les clients et connaît maintenant un grand succès. Même si nous sommes spécialisés dans les projets du secteur pétrolier et gazier, nous sommes simplement le partenaire idéal pour tous les types de transport.

À cause du coronavirus, le succès a mis du temps à être au rendez-vous. Comment avez-vous vécu la phase de démarrage ?

Tout s’est déroulé assez différemment de ce que nous avions imaginé. Le démarrage de notre entreprise nationale est tombé à un moment que personne n’aurait choisi volontairement. Les procédures normales qui font partie intégrante de la création d’une entreprise, comme l’ouverture d’un compte bancaire, ont été semées d’embûches. Tout a été bien plus long que prévu et a exigé beaucoup de dévouement et de patience. Bien entendu, le fait que nous étions alors inconnus sur le marché a encore compliqué la situation. Pour de nombreux clients, ce n’était tout simplement pas le bon moment pour tester un nouveau transitaire. Ce n’est que six mois environ après la fondation de l’entreprise que nous avons pu commencer à travailler.

Comment cette période difficile a-t-elle influencé Militzer & Münch Malaisie, comment vous a-t-elle influencé ?

Ce démarrage difficile a certainement fait de nous ce que nous sommes aujourd’hui. Même si ça a tenu d’un tour de force, nous avons pu tirer amplement profit de cette expérience. Nous avons travaillé de manière très disciplinée et déterminée, en maintenant continuellement les coûts au plus bas niveau possible et en ne ménageant pas nos efforts pour obtenir des commandes. Notre persévérance a fini par porter ses fruits : nous avons réussi à étendre notre réseau petit à petit et à croître.

Il y a une chose positive sur laquelle je souhaiterais mettre l’accent : le soutien que nous avons reçu de la part de la direction de Militzer & Münch. Elle a toujours prêté une oreille attentive et a fait preuve de beaucoup de compréhension envers tous nos problèmes. Pour nous, c’était la preuve que nous avions un partenaire fiable à nos côtés, même dans les périodes difficiles.

Comment la situation a-t-elle évolué pour Militzer & Münch Malaisie après ce départ cahoteux ?

Après que le pays a subi un arrêt presque total en raison du coronavirus, il a connu un fort essor à partir de 2022, aussi bien sur le marché national qu’international. L’économie a été florissante, les investissements ont également été favorisés par le pouvoir politique et la demande internationale a augmenté. Ainsi, par exemple, la demande internationale de caoutchouc a connu une hausse, entre autres pour la production de gants en caoutchouc. Le caoutchouc naturel étant l’une des ressources naturelles importantes de la Malaisie, la demande a été énorme sur le marché de l’exportation.

Militzer & Münch Malaisie s’est aussi considérablement développée à cette période : nous avons attiré de nouveaux clients et nous avons réussi à obtenir un très bon résultat en 2022, en partie grâce à une commande significative de transports de projet internationaux dans le secteur du pétrole et du gaz. La nouvelle année a également très bien commencé pour nous et nous sommes certains que nous réussirons à continuer de développer nos activités avec succès en 2023.

Quels sont les projets et plans prévus actuellement chez Militzer & Münch Malaisie ?

Il est encore trop tôt pour parler de certains projets, mais je peux dire que nous allons continuer à renforcer nos relations avec les clients dans le secteur du pétrole et du gaz. Notre compétence centrale est la gestion des expéditions liées à un projet – nous souhaitons tirer profit de cet atout et nous positionner en tant que spécialiste sur le marché malaisien.

Et que souhaitez-vous pour l’avenir de Militzer & Münch Malaisie ?

Outre ces plans concernant nos projets et commandes, mon objectif personnel est d’établir Militzer & Münch Malaisie en tant que marque prospère qui, non seulement, se distingue par des performances et une fiabilité élevées, mais défend également les valeurs de loyauté, d’intégrité et de respect. Nous souhaitons être un employeur intéressant et fiable qui favorise la carrière des jeunes employés et met en avant l’esprit d’équipe. Je pense que ce sont au fond ces qualités qui constituent l’ « ADN » d’une entreprise, qui la guident vers la réussite et assurent sa pérennité.



Militzer & Münch Malaisie :

La pandémie du coronavirus a tout d’abord contrarié les plans ambitieux de l’organisation nationale M&M Militzer & Münch Malaisie tout juste créée, mais l’équipe a fait preuve de persévérance et s’est forgé une position solide sur le marché de la logistique (voir l’entretien). Les faits les plus importants à propos de Militzer & Münch Malaisie en un coup d’œil :


  • 10 employés constituent l’équipe de Militzer & Münch Malaisie autour du directeur général Gopal Krishnan, qui dirige l’organisation nationale depuis sa création, à la fin de l’année 2020.
  • Le secteur du pétrole et du gaz est le secteur le plus important pour Militzer & Münch Elle a cependant aussi des clients dans les secteurs de l’ameublement, des produits alimentaires, de la haute technologie et des produits industriels, ainsi que dans le domaine des soins de santé.
  • La Chine est le partenaire commercial le plus important, suivie par Singapour, les États-Unis, le Japon et Taïwan.
  • Militzer & Münch Malaisie gère 70 % de ses importations et exportations habituelles par la voie maritime. Les marchandises qui arrivent en Malaisie proviennent d’Afrique du Sud, d’Australie, d’Italie et d’Allemagne.
  • Les compagnies maritimes internationales sont présentes dans trois ports en Malaisie : à Port Kelang, le plus grand port maritime de Malaisie au sud-ouest de Kuala Lumpur, et dans les ports de Tanjung Pelepas et Pasir Gudang, tous deux situés au sud du pays, près de la frontière avec Singapour.
  • Les temps de transport des expéditions de Militzer & Münch Malaisie vont de 6 jours (Inde, Sri Lanka), voire 25 à 31 jours (Australie/Nouvelle-Zélande), à 42 à 46 jours (Europe). Les produits qui traversent l’océan Pacifique mettent plus de 50 jours pour arriver à destination.
  • Militzer & Münch Malaisie entretient une relation particulière avec l’Allemagne. L’entreprise est membre de la Chambre de commerce germano-malaisienne et elle coopère étroitement avec M&M Allemagne sur le marché local pour accroître encore davantage les activités de commerce.
  • Dans les pays où Militzer & Münch ne dispose pas de ses propres filiales locales, Militzer & Münch Malaisie s’appuie sur un réseau de partenaires pour répondre aux besoins de ses clients locaux, comme, par exemple, en Australie, à Singapour ou en Afrique du Sud.


Sri Lanka: stability in challenging times

Since it was founded in 2018, Militzer & Münch Sri Lanka has seen positive development, while also facing major challenges again and again. The team looks to the future with confidence.

Located on the west coast, the port of Colombo is Sri Lanka’s biggest container port; it is considered one of the most important logistics hubs in the region. Almost 6.9 million TEUs were handled here in 2020. Militzer & Münch Sri Lanka has its headquarters in the direct vicinity of the port. Benefiting from this central location, the Militzer & Münch country unit has successfully established itself in Sri Lanka’s logistics market over the past years. Today, it is a member of the Sri Lanka Logistics & Freight Forwarders Association (SLFFA), the association of forwarders and logistics providers.

Good results despite difficult conditions

For the year 2022, the twelve-person team again records good results. This is not to be taken for granted: beside the Corona pandemic, most recently, the ongoing economic crisis and its political consequences also affected the activities of Militzer & Münch Sri Lanka. Fuel shortages, bottlenecks in the power supply, and skyrocketing transport costs burdened the country’s logistics sector; many factories were forced to close.

“Of course, we are glad we can look back on a good year in Sri Lanka despite such adverse circumstances,” says Dilum Stembo, Managing Director of M&M Sri Lanka. “We are aware, however, that there are still challenging times ahead. We are constantly adapting to the changing circumstances so we can continue providing stable services to our customers.”

Focus on export business

In response to tighter import restrictions, Militzer & Münch Sri Lanka changed its strategy and focused on the export business. The main export goods include tea, rubber, and coconut, as well as products of the apparel industry. By concentrating on these exports, Militzer & Münch Sri Lanka was able to minimize the impact of the dollar crisis on its own activities, as exporters pay in US dollars, and shipping companies invoice in US dollars, too.

In order to reduce power consumption, electricity cuts of several hours a day can occur in Sri Lanka. To avoid a standstill of day-to-day operations during such long supply interruptions, the country unit invested in solar cells for its offices to reduce its dependence on the power grid.

These are challenging times for the country’s economy, but of course equally so for local people. “We are deeply committed to helping here,” says Andreas Löwenstein, Regional Managing Director Asia / Far East at Militzer & Münch. “In view of the high inflation, we are accommodating our employees financially.” Dilum Stembo confirms: “Not only the company as a whole but also the staff had to overcome many obstacles. We took efforts to support our staff – also emotionally. I am convinced that it has helped them at least to some degree”

Given the current situation, the course taken has proved successful for Militzer & Münch Sri Lanka, and the country unit has been able to maintain its stability. Says Andreas Löwenstein: “We plan to increase our activities to and from New Zealand, Australia, and Southeast Asia, as well as to and from the USA and Canada. We are confident we will cope well with future challenges.”

Top position in the Mediterranean area: Militzer & Münch Tunisia

The Militzer & Münch subsidiary in Tunisia was founded over 25 years ago. Today, about 100 employees work for M&M Militzer & Münch Tunisia. Their core business: road transports from and to France, Italy, and Germany.

Militzer & Münch Tunisia has its headquarters in the port city of Radès, just a few kilometers southeast of Tunis, the capital. Additional branches operate in the port cities of Sousse and Sfax, as well as at Tunis-Carthage International Airport. Air and sea transports are an integral part of the product portfolio, but the Tunisian country unit’s biggest demand is for road transports; with the customers mainly coming from the textile, automotive, raw materials, and manufacturing industries.

An expert for Tunisia’s logistics market

Saber Boussada has been Managing Director at Militzer & Münch Tunisia for almost three years; he is at home in the transport industry. He had previously held various positions at an international freight forwarding company for more than 15 years, and has been Managing Director for more than ten years now. During this time, Saber Boussada got to know the Tunisian market very well: “Tunisia is a small country, and there’s a lot of competition among logistics service providers. In our day-to-day work, we are repeatedly confronted with the intense competition in the market here, and it depends on our performance and our range of services whether we can hold our ground,” he says.

Under his leadership, the country unit has in fact been able to hold its ground very successfully so far: Militzer & Münch Tunisia has achieved a significant profit increase since he joined the company, and the team is very optimistic about the further development of Militzer & Münch Tunisia.

Passionate about logistics

“What unites all Militzer & Münch employees is the enthusiasm for fulfilling customer wishes and demands with tailor-made solutions. Delivering goods to their destinations across the widest range of distances and on international routes is our passion”, is how Saber Boussada sums it all up. “Militzer & Münch Tunisia has secured a strong position in this challenging market. I am proud of this commitment, and I am happy to be part of the Militzer & Münch family!”

Turning challenges into opportunities

Despite the fraught economic and geopolitical situation in 2022, the Militzer & Münch country in Turkey was able to close the year successfully – and the company has ambitious plans for the future.

In 2022, the Militzer & Münch team in Turkey demonstrated that difficult times also offer opportunities. The country unit had to cope with challenges such as the aftermath of the Corona pandemic, increased freight costs, and supply chain bottlenecks. Added to these were the negative development of the Turkish economy, which led to major trade imbalances, and the situation in Ukraine.

Yet the team took the right measures in time. “Thanks to our strong position in Turkey, it was easy for us to adapt to the requirements, thus turning disadvantages into opportunities,” says Ender Atat, Deputy Managing Director at Militzer & Münch Turkey. Alex Sandalcidis, Deputy Managing Director at Militzer & Münch Turkey, adds: “We defined new strategies and introduced new structures on different routes and with different transport modes so that we were able to still meet customer requirements

Militzer & Münch Turkey transports a variety of commodities, including textiles, automotive products, industrial goods, oil and gas equipment, and chemical products. Road haulage accounts for the largest percentage among the transport modes – but sea and air transports are also developing well. Thus, a few months ago, the team restructured the sea freight department in Istanbul in response to increasing requests from customers and partners. Combining carriers is becoming increasingly important, and the staff’s expertise in intermodal and multimodal solutions offers significant benefits to customers.

“Logistics is a people business, and that’s why we have started to invest more in people,” says Cem Ulusoy, Managing Director at Militzer & Münch Turkey. “Our plans for the future include personnel expansion, the reinforcement of our sales and marketing departments, more investment in overseas sales activities, and further steps to strengthen our role in intermodal and multimodal transports.

” Plans are also in place to further expand the project logistics segment and to cooperate even more intensively with the Militzer & Münch Group and overseas agents as well as with partners in those countries where Militzer & Münch is not represented.

The company will also continue investing in digitalization and, in 2023, launch a new IT-based system that will offer more transparency in planning future projects.

A strong location of high potential

Whether capacities, energy prices or personnel costs: for the airfreight industry, the Corona pandemic was not without consequences. At present, it is still virtually impossible to make any long-term plans. In times of uncertainty, however, there are also some constants – like Frankfurt Airport, which has maintained its strong position as a major cargo hub in Central Europe for many companies. Including for Militzer & Münch.


M&M air sea cargo GmbH has an office directly at Cargo City South, Frankfurt Airport, where 15 employees work to serve customers; and the service goes far beyond standard freight: the team primarily handles dangerous goods shipments, valuable cargo and GDP (Good Distribution Practice) compliant transports for pharmaceuticals, which are subject to specific requirements, for instance with regard to refrigeration.

Santino Hormuth has been working in the logistics industry for 15 years and has been managing the branch of M&M air sea cargo GmbH at Frankfurt Airport for just over a year. Transports according to GDP guidelines have characterized his work from the very beginning, as immediately after he joined the company, certifications in the GDP area were already taking place. “That was rather challenging for me – after all, I was familiarizing myself with the internal structures, the work processes, and my colleagues at the same time,” he recounts. “Not least thanks to the excellent cooperation on the team, we passed the certifications successfully and have since been working on boosting GDP transports as a product in our portfolio and expanding our customer base in this area.”

Special, in many ways

In 2021, the air freight volume at Frankfurt Airport was around 2.3 million tons, the highest amount of cargo handled at any German airport. Europe-wide, Frankfurt Airport is one of the ten largest airports.

Santino Hormuth appreciates his workplace and is aware of its importance: “Frankfurt Airport is a magnet for companies, an important location for science and education, and one of the biggest workplaces in Germany. It is also the Lufthansa home base and the leading cargo hub in Europe. This gives the airport a very special position also for Militzer & Münch,” he explains. “Moreover, our location directly at the airport is definitely of competitive advantage for us: we are virtually in the middle of the action, and can act fast.”

Speed is the order of the day

Speed plays a crucial role in the handling of air freight projects. In most cases, orders are urgent and need to be handled efficiently and swiftly. In this respect, Militzer & Münch benefits from its decades of experience and presence on the market, as well as from well-practiced teams. This allows for short decision-making paths with a minimum of bureaucracy – and that way, even particularly urgent transports become routine tasks. Santino Hormuth’s team regularly handles just-in-time shipments for automotive suppliers, transports engines and other parts for the air freight industry, and was recently responsible for the transport of equipment for the World Cup in Qatar from Frankfurt to Doha.

Santino Hormuth’s goal for 2023 is to further increase Militzer & Münch’s freight volume at Frankfurt Airport, the number of key accounts, and of existing customers. To this end, among other things, there are plans to restructure the sales department.

“We are still facing tense times. But in my year so far with Militzer & Münch, I have experienced how informal and at the same time professional the cooperation is here at the Frankfurt site and across all branches. Therefore, I am sure that we will successfully master this phase.”

New terminal inaugurated in Sofia

Smart, efficient, and future-oriented: on May 19, M&M Militzer & Münch BG Co. Ltd. officially inaugurated its new transshipment terminal in Sofia. The cross-docking facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, thus ensuring the efficient handling of general and groupage cargo. At the same time, it forms the basis for Militzer & Münch Bulgaria to continue growing in the road freight sector.

The new facility was built to fully meet the requirements of Militzer & Münch Bulgaria. Its transshipment area covers 1,800 square meters. Incoming and outgoing shipments are handled via 16 loading gates, and scanned with the latest generation industrial tablets. A high level of security is ensured; among other things, the entire facility is video-monitored by 60 cameras.

In addition, the facility offers 880 square meters of state-of-the-art office space, creating ideal working conditions for the entire administrative and road transport team of Militzer & Münch Bulgaria. From the terminal, Militzer & Münch mainly serves Germany, Italy, France, Benelux, Spain, and Northern Europe.

“With the new cross-docking facility, we intend to continue expanding in the road segment,” explains Sacho Todorov, CEO M&M Militzer & Münch BG Co. Ltd. “Thanks to modern technology, our cargo handling operations have become more digital; we are increasing efficiency and raising the quality level even further. We are thus opening up additional opportunities for our new and existing customers.”

Militzer & Münch benefits from Uzbek investments

Uzbekistan is one of the biggest cotton fiber producers worldwide. The Central Asian republic has been investing in its textile and garment industry for some years, banking on technology and know-how from abroad. The industry continues to anticipate massive expansion of capacities.

Militzer & Münch and its customers are also profiting from the investments in the textile sector. For one of the biggest textile exporters in the CIS, Militzer & Münch delivered the equipment to a new production site in the Fergana Valley. Here, in the Uchkurgan region, the exporter combined two of his factories into one plant. The Fergana Valley is famous for its thriving silk production.

For the new production site, the exporter required machinery and other equipment from Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Korea, China, India, Switzerland and Turkey. The goods traveled tens of thousands of kilometers by plane, vessel, rail or road. The total transport volume was 650 units, loaded into 150 full truck loads and 500 40-foot containers.

“The project took about one year, it was very exciting, but also challenging”

Renata Gafarova
Project Manager at Militzer & Münch Uzbekistan

The equipment comprised, among others, a complete laboratory, cotton spinning equipment, a rewinding machine, a compressor unit, weaving machinery, winding equipment, a knitting machine as well as an air conditioning system.

“The project took about one year, it was very exciting, but also challenging”, says Renata Gafarova, Project Manager at Militzer & Münch Uzbekistan. “We had to coordinate the deliveries from ten different countries very precisely, observe the different customs regulations – and match all this with the customer’s requirements. We are proud and really happy that everything worked out so well.”

Textile industry in Uzbekistan invests one billion dollar

In revenue, the textile and garment industry is the second biggest sector of Uzbekistan’s manufacturing industry, the biggest being the food, beverage and tobacco industry. All the more reason for the Uzbek government to invest in the textile industry. In 2015, the state joint stock company “O´zbekyengilsanoat” announced a development program until 2020. During this period, projects worth one billion US dollars are to be carried out in the Uzbek textile industry.

The investments offer Militzer & Münch potential for further orders. “The textile exporter is one of our biggest customers and we are proud to be working for the eight factories he operates across the entire Uzbek Republic”, says Khurshid Kasimdzhanov, Managing Director M&M Militzer & Münch Uzbekistan. “The expansion of the textile sector enables us to extend our cooperation with this customer and win new customers from the industry.”

„Our employees are our most important asset“

After more than a year of the pandemic, the Militzer & Münch Group looks back on 2020 with an overall sense of satisfaction. The results of the individual regions vary – but one thing is certain: The employees are committed to creatively mastering the small and big challenges, and to always having an open ear for their customers.

The Militzer & Münch Group’s 2020 business year was, on the whole, satisfactory. “The term ‘mixed fortunes’ sums up the past year quite well,” says Alexei Kovalenko, Chief Financial Officer TransInvest and Militzer & Münch, and spokesman of the Militzer & Münch Group Management. “Except for the spring, especially the month of April, which was marked by lots of uncertainties due to the completely new situation, the rest of the year went largely in line with our expectations.” Among others, there was positive business development in Western Europe, particularly in France and Germany, as well as in the Maghreb.

The Militzer & Münch teams in the individual countries played a substantial role in this development. “These past months have confirmed once again that employees are our most important asset,” says Alexei Kovalenko. “Besides the framework conditions imposed on us by the governments, development is closely related to the colleagues on site. In many cases, the local management did a good job of communicating the temporary and necessary measures, such as short-time work, and the teams went along with them – that was crucial in order to prevail also in the future.”

In addition, the politico-economic framework conditions in some countries were favorable, especially in France and Germany, and Militzer & Münch made use of government support. “In Germany, we experienced some tough weeks in Q2 across all business segments,” says Holger Seehusen, member of the M&M Group Management and Managing Director M&M air sea cargo GmbH. “The option of short-time work was important for the German country unit, and our team fully backed the decision.” In Central Asia, for example, there was no such form of government support, which made the situation far more difficult. There, Militzer & Münch is active in the project business, among other things – this segment however declined noticeably during the pandemic. “Central Asia has been and will be badly shaken by the pandemic,” says Alexei Kovalenko. “However, we are confident that the situation will ease again, and we are still expecting great opportunities in the project business along the new Silk Road.”

Positive signals from the industries

After minor declines, demand from automotive customers already recovered in 2020, and also in the textile and cosmetics sectors, Militzer & Münch records only minor dents in transport demand. “Especially with cosmetics and hygiene products, our expectations of an increase in demand were perhaps a bit higher than it ultimately turned out to be,” says Holger Seehusen. “A positive example is the good cooperation between the teams in China and Germany on the transport of corona protection materials.”

Asia is also benefiting from the e-commerce business, which is particularly noticeable at EMEX, the M&M courier and express service in Kazakhstan – a development that was already apparent in 2020 and continued in Q1/2021. The 1st quarter of 2021 was good in all Militzer & Münch regions, with the country units in Asia still needing to catch up more than their European counterparts.

In some regions, the signs are even pointing to growth: the former delegation in Malaysia has been turned into a full country unit as a joint venture. Militzer & Münch France has taken over ITP and ITPL, companies of the LPS Group (Logistique et Prestations de Services), to further strengthen the Maghreb business. In Vienna, Austria, Militzer & Münch has been represented by its own branch office since October 2020. And the joint venture in Serbia is also developing promisingly. “2020 was the first full year of business for the highly motivated team,” says Alexei Kovalenko. “Thanks to the good development, we decided in March 2021 to acquire the previously rented property with 10,000 square meters of warehousing and 3,000 square meters of office space in Dobanovci near Belgrade, thus giving Militzer & Münch Serbia even more space for growth.”

Ready for the extra mile

The Militzer & Münch Group has always been flexible, and the pandemic once again confirmed it. Where activities allowed, home office options were created at short notice, with both the central IT in Hof and the local IT teams contributing. Some sites relied on a rotating model, which ensured that the offices were never fully staffed.

For the sales teams, among others, however, the pandemic with its many restrictions has been a challenge. “At times, one-on-one customer contact was not possible at all, and digital-only meetings are not easy for either side – neither for forwarders nor for their customers,” says Holger Seehusen. “The creativity of the employees in approaching customers has shown that even in difficult times they are motivated to go the extra mile, to always be close to their customers and understand their needs.” And they demonstrate a great deal of flexibility: telephone conferences called at short notice across national borders and time zones go very well – proof that intensive and efficient exchange is also possible digitally.

Maintaining customer relationships is easier in pandemic times than acquiring new customers, but Militzer & Münch was already well positioned before the pandemic and was able to rely on existing contacts. Thus, the Rail segment at M&M air sea cargo GmbH, for example, developed well in cooperation with the InterRail Group. The relatively new project department in Düsseldorf also gained a foothold and completed some exciting project shipments, including on-carriage to the hinterland, within a very short period of time. In view of the positive business development, Militzer & Münch decided to join the worldwide Atlas Breakbulk Alliance (ABA) network, whose members are forwarding companies with a focus on project shipments only. Thus, participation in the Breakbulk Europe trade fair, which will hopefully take place next year, is a must.

Alexei Kovalenko, Chief Financial Officer, TransInvest and Militzer & Münch, as well as Spokesman of Militzer & Münch Group Management

Holger Seehusen, member of the Militzer & Münch Group Management and Managing Director M&M air sea cargo GmbH.