Most of the overland transports from the Militzer & Münch branch office in Eichenzell in Eastern Hesse are bound for one or more of the Maghreb countries. This makes Eichenzell one of the most important hubs for transports to Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco.
The small township near Fulda and Frankfurt is home to the German Militzer & Münch hub for the Maghreb – and it is continuously developing. Over the last few years, the branch has experienced steady and healthy growth. „We have a clear picture of the direction we want to take in the future,“ says branch manager Julian Backenstoß. „We are receiving very positive feedback from our customers for our consistently good service. As a result, we’ve been able to expand our business and also increase our staff.“ Close to twenty colleagues are now attending to the needs of customers. The attached warehousing area covers around 4,500 square meters.
Consolidated freight destined for North Africa
On average, eight to ten containers leave Eichenzell every week in a southerly direction to begin their journey to North Africa: four to five semitrailers per week head to Morocco via Algeciras in Spain. Another four to five round trips per week go to Tunisia via Marseille and Genoa. The focus is on consolidated freight.
The trucks need about six to seven days to make the journey to Algeria. Multimodal shipments are completed within nine to ten days. „If time is of the essence, customers prefer the pre-carriage by truck to Marseille. If transit time is not an issue, the combination with rail is a popular choice, also because it is cheaper. The customer can save a few hundred euros and at the same time do something for the environment,“ explains Lilli Macholdt, Deputy Branch Manager and Trade Lane Manager Maghreb.
More than just the Maghreb
„We have a lot of experience in organizing and carrying out transports to the Maghreb countries,“ explains Julian Backenstoß. „That’s why we keep expanding our activities and recently opened a branch office in Augsburg. There, under the management of Fourat Chetoui, Trade Lane Manager Maghreb, we are currently focusing on the direct freight business to and from the Maghreb. However, we also offer overland transports to many other destinations, of course.“ In addition to transports to North Africa, Militzer & Münch also handles groupage transports to Azerbaijan via Eichenzell, as well as transports to Eastern and Western Europe. Moreover, the Eichenzell branch office has been the official CargoLine Germany depot for more than ten years, acting as a hub for classic groupage pre- and on-carriage to and from Europe or within Germany.”