Sri Lanka is considered an important logistics hub in South Asia, and the port in Colombo, the country’s capital, is one of the largest transshipment hubs in the Indian Ocean. The key role the tropical island plays in the region’s logistics was recently overshadowed by the coronavirus pandemic as well as economic and political crises. Now the wind is changing – also for Militzer & Münch Sri Lanka.

Militzer & Münch has been represented in Sri Lanka since 2018; the country unit is located in the immediate vicinity of the port. The challenging conditions in the country did not leave the activities of Militzer & Münch Sri Lanka unaffected. Freight rates rose sharply, fuel became scarce, and also the labor market was impacted by the crisis. But the M&M team overcame the hurdles with great commitment and continued to expand existing business. New projects and services include transports to Uzbekistan via Karachi (Pakistan), air freight handling in Colombo and sea freight consolidation services.

“The market is still volatile, but we are already sensing that the recent political upheaval will bring positive developments also from an economic perspective. This opens up new opportunities for us”, says Dilum Stembo, Managing Director of Militzer & Münch Sri Lanka.

More capacities at the port of Colombo

All over South Asia, new capacity is currently being created in the transport and logistics sector, and ports are growing. In Sri Lanka, the new dynamic is exemplified by the rapid growth of the port of Colombo, where handling volumes have recently increased significantly. The new Colombo West International Terminal (CWIT) with a total area of 65 hectares is due to open at the end of this year. The new terminal will increase the port’s capacity by around three million TEU.

Militzer & Münch Sri Lanka is well prepared for the upswing and the expected increase in demand: the team has now grown to a total of 19 employees; at the end of 2023, the company moved to a new office due to expansion. “We have achieved a very good position in the logistics market. We are a member of the country’s important logistics associations and networks, and maintain long-standing and successful business relationships with shipping companies, airlines as well as our customers. That’s something we are very proud of.”

Plans for a promising future

An upswing in the country, increasing port capacities, a strong market position and a highly motivated, committed team – a promising future lies ahead for Militzer & Münch Sri Lanka. The country unit’s goal now is to optimize routes, reduce costs and offer even better service. The strategy to reach this goal is clearly defined: In future, Dilum Stembo’s team will focus more on multi-country cargo consolidation – a logistics practice that combines shipments from multiple suppliers in different countries into a single shipment and sent to a specific destination or country.

“You give your best and look after the company, and we will look after you. This simple yet powerful statement has guided us through tough times. It’s not just about managing a business; it’s about nurturing a family. When everyone feels valued and heard, they’re motivated to give their best, which in turn drives the company forward,” says Dilum Stembo.

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